What will 2015 bring for the connected cars world
I believe that 2015 will be the year of the connected cars. This also includes all the new technologies associated with them, whether they exist right now, or they’re still in preparation stage.
Looking back at what 2014 brought us in matter of technology, we can safely say that 2015 is going to be even bigger.
2014, the year of questioning
When something so big is developed, everyone needs to raise some questions. And this exact thing happened last year, meaning 2014 (it doesn’t quite feel like last year).
With that in mind, 2015 could potentially bring answers to these questions. And there are a lot of them. Car manufacturers and Google have all predicted some dates when they’ll be releasing connected cars on the public roads. Actually, it’s not a date, more like a period of time they assume they’ll be able to do it. But we all know, that this is a bumpy road, and they never know what they may encounter.
Another question that rises, is an ethical one. If you get into an accident, who has the fault, if you were “driving” a driverless car? There were plenty of debates on this one in 2014. I must say that in this particular area of ethics, people will never compromise for a certain point of view. Everyone will always have different opinions.
Yet another question related to accidents is one that has to do with car insurances. Will car insurances have to pay for damages if a person got into a car accident, but was not driving the car, even though he was in the driver’s seat? The legislation will have to be modified, the law, and all sorts of formal papers will have to be figured out.
That’s why it’s important to ask questions, and try as much as you can to answer them with valid arguments.
Google wants to integrate the Android system into connected cars
This makes total sense for Google to integrate its operating system. According to an article on TweakTown, “Android will evolve into the major platform used to power infotainment and navigation for connected cars”.
Maybe this strategy will make drivers say “hey, Android is really cool. I should let go off my iPhone”.
The vehicles with integrated Android systems will be available in 2015, but we don’t know an exact date so far.
More advanced technology
Connected cars will have to communicate with each other, and they will definitely need a faster connectivity, and a much more reliable network. Maybe 2015 will be the year when we’ll witness the appearance of a new technology: the 5G. People have been talking about 5G for a while now. It’s only a matter of time until we’ll have it in our cars.
Along with 5G, trends say that we’ll have Wi-Fi hotspots in our car.
More apps
Mobile technologies are going to develop even more, because we will use our smartphones to connect to our car. The infotainment industry is huge right now, and developers can create a lot of great apps based on what’s suitable for the driver.
Apps are great, because you will receive details about your car, even if you aren’t near it. You will be able to detect its location, in case you forgot where you parked it, or check to see how much fuel you have, and so on.
Are you ready for 2015?
That’s it for some of the exciting things 2015 will bring for the connected cars world. Did I miss any?
What trends do you want to see in 2015 in the connected car world? Let me know down in the comments.