Survey Points Out What Features Americans Want For Their Self Driving Car
Imagine Choosing the Features for a Self Driving Car
As early as seven to ten years ago, the possibility of having cars that drive themselves wouldn’t have been seriously considered. Today, however, the possibility not only exists, but it has come to fruition. While not quite ready to penetrate the car sales market, self-driving cars are on the roads in America as well as abroad and are being tested and improved on daily.
A recent survey conducted by Carnegie Mellon University revealed the top desired auto-pilot features people are anticipating. One thousand Americans between the ages of 18 and 70 were surveyed. Here are the results:
1) 71% Self adjusting performance on weather conditions
2) 60% Self-parking to find a space
3) 57% Driver fatigue warning
4) 52% TV or computer in dashboard
5) 50% Active visual display of car safety features
6) 40% Virtual valet where the car picks you up
7) 34% Voice command for the visually impaired
The survey divided people into two different age groups called Boomers and Millennials. While an exact age clarification isn’t clear, it’s safe to assume that over 35 would be considered Boomers. The survey revealed distinct differences in the desired features of the self-driving car between these two groups.
Millennials want features that will allow them to work and stay connected while driving. They also expressed a desire for a mobile office, so they could work in their cars during lunches and breaks. The study did not, however, indicate whether there was an expressed desire to play video games in cars while driving or on breaks.
Ages 18 to 24 expressed their desire to have cars that can host great mobile parties.
Boomers expressed a desire to be able to read and/or relax in their self-driving car. Their focus was more toward using travel time as down time, as opposed to Millennials, who seemed to be focused on improving work productivity. However, there are Millennials who would spend their time reading, but at a much lower percentage.
Boomers are also attracted to the safety aspects boasted by these new cars. They especially like the idea of self-driving cars in regards to night driving, encountering unfamiliar roads, dealing with traffic jams or highly congested cities and highway travel.
Other things that people are interested in doing in these state of the art cars include watching movies and putting on make-up, especially among the younger age group. Interestingly enough, only 8% of the people polled expressed a desire to have a coffee maker in their car. The majority of these were people were under 35.
Among the various automakers who are developing automatic driving features are General Motors, Audi, Tesla, and BMW. It’s also evident that Google is playing a central role in the development of all these models. It’s estimated that, within four to five years, these cars will significantly dominate the car sales industry. As we draw closer, more and more of these features will gradually start being offered in vehicles.
The invasion of self-driving cars is approximately four to five years away. Is America ready for this? More importantly, are YOU ready?