Bosch to Reveal Latest Connected Car Technology at CES 2016

I’m pretty sure that, just like me, you are all excited to see what this year’s edition of CES will offer us in terms of connected car technology. While it might sound like it’s far off from now, it’s actually just around the corner, since it’s being held in Las Vegas between the 6th and 9th of January.

For those of you who are not familiar with CES (Consumer Electronics Show), it’s an event organized by the Consumer Technology Association that aims to showcase the various gadgets, technology and devices that are currently being developed for all manner of industries. Naturally, our interest would be on the connected car technology that will be showcased. 

However, it would be a shame if we were to ignore the other contributions as well. After all, over 3,600 exhibitors are expected to attend with over 20,000 products to showcase.

So, before we move on to the connected vehicle technology, let’s take a moment to overview some of the other things that will make an appearance:

  • There will be plenty of devices and gadgets of the wearable technology kind, most of them being focused on physical fitness and health. This will be sure to draw a pretty large crowd, since in this day and age, something like this can be extremely useful.
  • There will be a huge focus on drones, specifically one type of drones that comes equipped with a camera that is designed to track the movement of the user. With more and more people and large companies taking an interest in drones, the showcased products will definitely be more than welcomed.
  • There will also be an emphasis on 4K Ultra HD TVs, which represent the next phase of evolution in televised entertainment.

This all sounds great, but let’s see what connected car technology will be highlighted at CES 2016

Compared to last year’s edition, there will a significant increase in numbers when it comes to automotive developers, with 9 major manufacturers and over 100 auto tech companies being announced to attend the event.

There’s no denying that a lot of interesting technology will be showcased. However, what really got my attention was what Bosch plans to showcase.

The main thing they are working on is ensuring that cars will join the online medium in the near future. Their idea is to use an integrated mySPIN solution that allows users to link both their Android and iOS devices to the infotainment system that is stored in the vehicle. From then on, the connectivity control unit will use a wireless module that is equipped with a SIM card to receive and transmit all sorts of information.

The fact that the connectivity control unit will be offered as a retrofit solution as well is great news, since it means that owners of current vehicle models can make use of it.

Once a user is connected to the unit, they’ll get to take full advantage of what connected car technology has to offer. They will be able to get relevant data about the car’s condition on their smartphone, receive useful fuel-saving tips, and even access emergency services if the car breaks down.

But that’s not all Bosch has in store for us this year

Another interesting development Bosch intends to showcase at CES 2016 is an alarm system that will be able to notify the driver of a vehicle if a wrong-way driver is approaching. The system will be able to do this in a 10-second window so that it will give the driver enough time to react.

The system itself is scheduled to go into production in 2016, but people who attend CES 2016 will get a first-hand look at it and how it’s supposed to work. It goes without saying that if all goes well for Bosch, drivers will have a new sense of security take over whenever they are on the road.

Are you excited for the upcoming edition of CES? Do you plan on going?

I would be more than happy to hear what you have to think about this event, so feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Philipp Kandal